Project No. 2020-1-HU01-KA229-078730

MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 10 February 2021
Attendees: Italy - Anya Del Vecchio, Giulia De Rosa
Hungary - Agota Uzsoki, Leeanne Burne, Farkas Zsanett, Nagy Berta
Turkey - Aysel Mert
Lithuania-Irma Jankūnaite-Sazonova
1) Presentations were done by all partners introducing their schools and countries.
2) There will be a Zoom meeting on the 3 March 2021 where the art exhibition will take place.
2a) The 3D arts must reflect the effects of climate change NOT recycling or pollution.
3) All presentations must be uploaded to the etwinning site and sent to Irma Jankūnaite-Sazonova so she can upload them onto the website.
MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 20 December 2020
Attendees: Italy - Anya Del Vecchio, Giulia De Rosa
Hungary - Agota Uzsoki, Leeanne Burne, Zoldhegy Dora
Turkey - Aysel Mert
Lithuania - Irma Jankūnaitė-Sazonova
1) Hungary did their presentation on Climate change.
2) Weekly plan, videos and photos were sent to all partner countries.
3) All countries need to upload their weekly plans onto the etwinning site and also need to be sent to Irma to be uploaded onto the website by the 5 February 2021.
4) There will be an informal meeting held during the second week of February where the partners can introduce themselves and their schools. We have allocated 10 minutes per country. The exact date will be confirmed soon.
MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 16 December 2020
Italy - Anya Del Vecchio, Giulia De Rosa
Hungary - Agota Uzsoki, Leeanne Burne, Zsanet Farkas
Turkey - Aysel Mert
Lithuania - Irma Jankūnaitė-Sazonova
1) Presentations were discussed and we have decided that the country who has to present the topic
will do the presentation live on Zoom. The other countries have to upload their presentation on the
same topic onto the eTwinning site.
1a) At the end of the topic once all of the countries have completed the topic there will be a zoom
meeting where everyone can talk for a short period about their experiences concerning the topic and how they planned and implemented the lesson plan.
1b) It was decided that whichever country is responsible to present a main topic it will be their
responsibility to send the Zoom link.
2) Irma was asked to do the timeline for the projects which she very kindly accepted.
3) Parental permission forms were sent to all partners.
4) Hungary will present the topic on climate change on the 20 January 2021 on Zoom.
4a) Other countries will spend time doing lesson plans and activities with their students and present
their work onto the eTwinning site within 2 weeks of the meeting.
4b) In January all the countries will create 3D arts expressing climate change. An Ebook has to be
created by each country showing the effects of climate change in their respective countries.
4c) In February there will be an art exhibition. Videos and photos of the arts that were created must
be uploaded onto eTwinning.
5) During February the final meeting on the climate change topic will be held where all the
countries will do a short presentation.
6) Zsanet presented the Rule book to everyone.
MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 18 November 2020
Hungary- Agota Uzsoki
Leeanne Burne
Lithuania- Irma Jankunaite-Sazonova
Turkey - Selin Kabatas Gules
Italy - Giulia De Rosa
1) Introduction of our schools
2) A decision was made between Hungary and Lithuania to collaborate on the topic which was allocated to Greece who has decided not to participate. Lithuania will create a digital story on deforestation and Hungary will create a digital story on endangered species.
3) Discussed the role International agencies will have in our project and to get clarification on the expectation of these agencies.
4) We agreed on inviting experts to present lectures and information on the relevant topics concerning the project.
5) The project Logo was discussed and a decision was reached to include the children in creating and designing the Logo. The partners will choose the best in their own schools and post them on the group Facebook page where everyone can vote on which they like the best. A final choice will
be made at the meeting in Mid-December.
6) A meeting will be held in December to discuss progress and resolve any issues we have encountered as well as voting on the Logo.
7) Hungary informed partners as to the postponement of their first meeting in December to January
8) All partners agreed to use Messenger, Facebook Group, Zoom and email as the forms of communication that will be used.
9) All partners need to sign up to Etwinning. One member per school is sufficient.
10) Discussed the division of tasks in each school amongst colleagues and decided that a coordinator should be chosen in each school to arrange meetings etc.