Project No. 2020-1-HU01-KA229-078730

Panevėžys Alfonsas Lipniūnas Progymnasium
is a school that provides primary and lower secondary education. It was established in 1981. There are more than 350 students supported by 31 teachers along with 4 student support specialists. The progymnasium ensures consistent implementation of the programme of Catholic values. Furthermore, our school fosters environmental awareness and it has already been awarded with fifteen Green Flags and Certificates for being involved in continuous development of green code. The following school subjects are taught in our progymnasium: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, German Language, History, Human Being and Nature, Human Safety, Information Technologies, Lithuanian Language (native), Mathematics, Music, Physical
Education, Physics, Religious Studies, Russian Language, Technologies.
We are constantly concerned with enhancement of environmental awareness, therefore, participation in this project would be a great opportunity to extend knowledge, broaden experience as well as find out new things in the field of environmental protection. By participating in this project we expect to observe how students from other countries interact with the nature, how schools cope with the problem of students’ spending too much time at their homes, also we would like to improve teachers’ competences in designing outdoor activities and integrate them in our regular school life as well as share this experience with our partners / organizations. The key people who will be in charge of running the project in the school are as follows:
English language teacher Irma Jankūnaitė-Sazonova;
Senior English language teacher Ilona Vizbarienė;
Russian language teacher-methodologist Asta Lopato;
Primary school teacher-methodologist Vaida Kielienė.
In case the key people leave their post in the future, the following persons would take over their role:
Technologies teacher-methodologist Alminas Raišelis;
Art teacher- methodologist Vitalija Balčiūnienė
In 2012-2014 our school participated in the international Comenius Multilateral Partnership Project “S.O.S. Our Planet is Warning us to Save the Polar Bears”, where the schools engaged in various activities related to the preservation of nature. Moreover, our school annually organises different environmental projects: ’Healthy Snack Break’ (all students and teachers eat only healthy snacks), ’Plant a Tree Day’ (our community has already planted a small part of a forerst outside the town), ‘A Day Without a Car’ (teachers and students come to school on foot or by bikes), ‘Recycling Day’ (students bring old newspapers or magazines, batteries, etc. for recycling), ’Foresters After School Club’ with a variety of interesting projects, ‘Sports Day’ (all the students do variuos sports in our school stadium), ‘Let’s Do’ (our school community joins the city community to clean the parks and other filthy city areas).